INI covers two instruments:
1. Negotiable Islamic Debt Certificate (“NIDC”)
This is a Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (“BBA”) based investment product in which investors obtain a certificate, evidencing that a certain amount of money has been deposited with the issuing bank at an agreed MYR profit rate, and is payable at a specified future date. The certificates can easily be liquidated to raise cash before maturity date.
Not protected by PIDM.
2. Islamic Negotiable Instruments of Deposit (INID)
A Mudharabah-based investment product in which investors obtain a certificate, evidencing that a certain amount of money has been deposited with the issuing bank at an agreed MYR profit sharing ratio, and is payable at a specified future date. The certificates can easily be liquidated to raise cash before maturity date. Upon maturity date, the actual dividend shall be declared based upon the issuing Bank’s rate of return.
Not protected by PIDM.