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Features & Benefits

Money Market

Our Money Market team offers a wide range of products to corporate and institutional investors and depositors to help generate return on their funds.

Short-Term Money Market Deposit (STMMD)

STMMD is an outright placement of funds which gives customers an opportunity to earn interest from their short term funds. Simple interest calculation is done based on actual / 365 days.


Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.


Please click here for the STMMD Terms & Conditions.



Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (NID)

We also issue NIDs which are tradable in the market. Clients can sell the NID to gain liquidity.

Not protected by PIDM.

Money Market REPO

Repurchase Agreement (REPO) is an alternative investment option for clients' excess funds. The shortest REPO tenure is one day and all clients' funds are secured against underlying securities.

Not protected by PIDM.

Short-Term Securities/Papers

We offer prices for Malaysian Government Treasury Bills, Bank Negara Monetary Notes, Islamic Treasury Bills and other short-term papers, subject to paper availability in the Bank and in the market.

Only Short Term Money Market Deposit (STMMD) is protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.

Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i

A Commodity Murabahah-based treasury deposit product that allows customers to lock in an upfront fixed MYR or Foreign Currency Profit Rate. Customer appoints CIMB Islamic as wakeel (agent) to purchase and to sell commodities to facilitate the deposit transaction.

Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.

Please click here for the CMD-i Terms & Conditions.


Islamic Negotiable Instruments (INI)

INI covers two instruments:

1. Negotiable Islamic Debt Certificate (“NIDC”)
This is a Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (“BBA”) based investment product in which investors obtain a certificate, evidencing that a certain amount of money has been deposited with the issuing bank at an agreed MYR profit rate, and is payable at a specified future date. The certificates can easily be liquidated to raise cash before maturity date.

Not protected by PIDM.

2. Islamic Negotiable Instruments of Deposit (INID)
A Mudharabah-based investment product in which investors obtain a certificate, evidencing that a certain amount of money has been deposited with the issuing bank at an agreed MYR profit sharing ratio, and is payable at a specified future date. The certificates can easily be liquidated to raise cash before maturity date. Upon maturity date, the actual dividend shall be declared based upon the issuing Bank’s rate of return.

Not protected by PIDM.

Bank Negara Monetary Notes-i

A form of Islamic securities issued by Bank Negara Malaysia for the purpose of managing liquidity in the Islamic financial market. New issuances may be issued either on a discounted or coupon-bearing basis, depending on investors' demand.

Malaysia Islamic Treasury Bills

A form of Islamic securities issued by Bank Negara Malaysia on behalf of the Government of Malaysia, on a discounted basis.

Only Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i is protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.