Hire Purchase-i

No Products/Items Charges
1 Postage of Hire Purchase-i Agreement

RM3.20* for account without guarantor

RM6.40* for account with one (1) guarantor


Postage of Statutory Notices via Registered Mail


- Notice on Base Financing Rate (BFR) Revision

- 4th Schedule Notice

- Notice of Intention to Repossess

- 5th Schedule Notice

- Acknowledgement Letter (Form 16)

RM5.80* for account without guarantor

RM11.60* for account with one (1) guarantor



Charges indicated are for each notice sent

3 Stamp duty of Hire Purchase-i / Guarantee Agreement RM10.00 per agreement
4 Stamp duty on Rescheduling & Restructuring (R&R) Agreement  RM10.00 per agreement

Courier Services

- Within Malaysia

- To East Malaysia


RM10.00 per request

RM15.00 per request

6 Consent to transfer vehicle between Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia

RM50.00 per letter

7 Audit Confirmation RM10.00 per request
8 Photocopy of Guarantee Agreement RM8.00 per request
9 Photocopy of Hire Purchase-i Agreement RM16.00 per request
10 Photocopy of Approval Permit RM7.00 per request
11 Photocopy of Registration Card RM7.00 per request

*This charge is an indicative charge only and may vary based on the actual postage charge by Pos Malaysia.


Note : Taxes on products and services (including but not limited to service tax, indirect taxes or withholding taxes), where applicable, as may be imposed by the Government of Malaysia and any taxes payable in connection with or arising out of facility financing/account will be payable.