ASB Financing

BR + 1.20% p.a. throughout the financing tenure

Base Rate (BR) as at 13 July 2020 : 2.75%

Cash Plus Personal Loan

Loan Tenure Fixed Interest Rate Equivalent to Effective Interest Rate (Fixed interest rate, reducing balance, daily rest. Subject to customer remaining until end of tenure)
2 to 5 Years 7.88% p.a. 13.93% p.a.
9.88% p.a. 17.09% p.a.
11.88% p.a. 20.13% p.a. 
13.88% p.a. 23.07% p.a.
16.88% p.a. 27.33% p.a.
19.88% p.a. 31.42% p.a.

CIMB Secured Overdraft Facility

Facility Overdraft Type Interest Rates
CIMB Secured Overdraft Personal OD Secured By Fixed Deposit SBR + 2.10%
Personal OD Secured By Multiple Collateral SBR + 2.60%
Personal OD Secured By Amanah Saham Bumiputera SBR + 2.60%