CIMB Islamic Bank Credit Cards

Service Tax Implementation 

Effective 1 September 2018, Service Tax will be imposed on selected products and services only. Service Tax of RM25 will be imposed on each new principal and supplementary CIMB Credit Cards upon activation and annual renewal of the principal and supplementary credit card.

Types of Charges Charge
Yearly Facility Charges (YFC)


Minimum Monthly Repayment

5% of Current Balance* + 100% of any service tax and any other value added tax imposed (if any) + 100% of all monthly instalments due for any programmes/arrangements operated by the Bank  (if any) + any other unpaid minimum payment specified in the preceding month’s statement; or RM50 whichever is higher.


*Current Balance = Retail Transactions amount (if any) + Cash Advance amount (if any) + Payable Facility Charges and/or Ta’widh (compensation) and any other applicable fees and charges (if any).

Payable Facility Charges (PFC)

The charges are:

(a) 1.25% per month or 15% per annum if you have promptly settled your minimum payment due for 12 consecutive months.


(b) 1.42% per month or 17% per annum if you have promptly settled your minimum payment due for at least 10 months in a 12-month cycle.


(c) 1.50% per month or 18% per annum if your payment record is not within either (a) or (b) above.

Ta'widh (compensation) 1% on the unpaid balance arising from retail transactions and cash advance, subject to a minimum of RM10.00 and a maximum of RM100.00 and will be imposed if the minimum payment due is not paid by the relevant due date. 
PLUS / CIRRUS ATM Withdrawal / Account Enquiry RM2.00 each.
Conversion for Overseas Transactions 

The conversion rate as determined by Mastercard International/VISA International plus an administrative cost of 1% plus any transaction fee charged by Mastercard or VISA.


Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a service offered by certain overseas merchants to provide a choice to pay in Ringgit Malaysia (including online purchases) for overseas purchase.

Grace Period

For retail transactions - 20 calendar days from the statement date, if you pay the balance in full and on time.


If you do not pay in full and on time, facility charges on retail transactions will be calculated from the posting date of the transaction.


The grace period is not applicable to balance transfer or cash advances.

Temporary Credit Limit Increase 

Upon cardholder request and subject to the Bank's discretion. For every approved request, the Bank will charge a yearly temporary credit limit increase (TCI) fee of RM24,000.


Note: - TCI will be capped at maximum 50% of the original credit limit. TCI charges is a yearly upfront fee upon approval payable on monthly basis. The Bank however, may at its absolute discretion grant rebate or waive all or part of the charges.


Full payment on previous statement balance: If Cardholders fully pay up their charges incurred on or before the 20 days grace period deadline every month, the Bank will not charge any PFC for that particular month (full rebate will be given). 


Partial or minimum payment on previous statement balance: The Bank may at its absolute discretion grant a rebate or waive all or part of the YFC. The rebate granted will be the difference between the YFC and the PFC. PFC will vary every month but the total sum of PFC each year shall not exceed YFC. 

Cash Advance Fee RM50 for every transaction (maximum withdrawal of RM1,000 per transaction).
Payable Facility Charges for Cash Transaction 1.5% per month or 18% per annum calculated on daily rest basis from transaction date to the date it is settled in full.
Card Replacement Fee RM10 for first replacement & RM50 for every subsequent replacement.
Sales Draft Retrieval Fee Not Applicable
Additional Statement Request Fee RM5.00 per monthly statement.
Service Tax RM25 will be imposed on each new principal and supplementary credit card upon activation and annual renewal of the principal and supplementary credit card
Paper Statement Fee RM2.00 for each monthly credit card paper statement.
Overlimit Fee Not Applicable
Dishonoured Cheque Fee Not Applicable
Stamp Duty Applicable only to cardholders who charge/pledge/assign their deposit in FRIA-i(s) with CIMB Islamic Bank to the Bank - Ad valorem stamp duty in accordance with the Stamp Duty Act 1949 (Revised 1989).